
An actress shares her free thoughts and fantasies during a daily jog in Beirut, alternating between farce and tragedy. She is haunted by the character of Medea, reincarnated in various local figures, and engages in a dialogue with God, questioning her own faith. She revisits recent events in the history of the Middle East.

Hanane Hajj Ali, who wrote, designed, and performs this show, is a prominent figure in Lebanese theater and a well-known local political activist. In this work, she adopts the voices of various real and fictional characters, blending selected literary excerpts with personal fantasies. She openly explores the imagination of a female artist, citizen, and mother, subjected to the complex demands of the contemporary world.

Hanane Hajj Ali, qui a écrit, conçu et interprète ce spectacle, est une figure phare du théâtre libanais et une activiste politique locale notoire. Elle empreinte ici la voix de plusieurs personnages réels ou fictionnels, mêlant extraits littéraires choisis et fantaisies personnelles, pour exposer sans tabou l’imaginaire d’une femme artiste, citoyenne et mère, livrée aux injonctions complexes du monde contemporain.


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