
“From Cairo to Christ explores the difficulties Muslim converts face as they convert to Christ. Author Abu Atallah is an Egyptian who writes as an insider who became a believer decades ago. Those unacquainted with Islamic beliefs and practices will appreciate this easy-to-read primer.” – Phil Parshall, SIM USA, author of The Cross and the Crescent

“This book offers a uniquely personal account of the complex and challenging journey of many who convert from Islam to Christianity. The story of Abu ‘Stephen’ Atallah―told with the help of his friend and coauthor Kent Van Til―is especially timely as the West struggles to meet the needs of massive numbers of Arab refugees fleeing chaos and civil war in their home countries. The authors see this humanitarian crisis as an opportunity for Christians to share the love of Christ.” – John C. Knapp, president and professor, Hope College

“Abu Atallah is the real thing. I know because I am his colleague in the greatest rescue operation of our day: introducing 1.7 billion Muslims to the Savior. He could easily obtain an enviable position as a senior pastor in an American church, but like very few other Muslim-background believers, he and his dear wife have given themselves day and night to rescuing those who would like to assassinate him. This very humble, grateful account of his story is so real it’s difficult to put down.” – Greg Livingstone, founder, Frontiers, senior associate, World Outreach of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church


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